Thursday, May 29, 2014

WIL project finished designs

I really enjoyed the Art, craft and cookery project…..It was great to work at my own pace and under my own direction.
It was interesting to create something directly for a certain type of cliental and also challenging to remember this while designing.

I think next time I would probably spend a little time researching more info about the history of the art, crafts and Cookery to more understand my Clients needs.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sketches for WIL project

Starting the WIL placement project off with sketches of things that one who is crafty would use to be crafty.
I am looking at designing a Calender as the tea towel with quirky names like Jamuary and Cakemus to replace the typical months………………..

I have found this Freelance project quite fun as I can go to my scheduale which has been the thursday we have for class and I treat it as a 9-5 job which has been more like 9am - 10pm as i find that once I get into this project I don't wanna stop until security throw me out of Campus.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

WIL Placement week 1 (cakes)

Finding myself with out a Internship this year by my own choosing I have embarked on the WIL placement 'Freelance' project. This year it is with the Royal Melbourne shows Art, Craft and Cookery group where our small group (9) will battle it out and create a design a tote bag and tea towel to be sold at their Pavilion in September at the show.
After being breifed we wrote a short research doc and proposal to be presented to staff at the RASV head quarters in Ascot Vale.
After all this it was now all on my shoulders to create what i invision for the tote bag and tea towel….going up against 9 girls in a female dominated area of the show i better think of something that will look different and stand out from the crowd.
This has got me thinking to what i would actually like my own studio to look like if I was a freelance textile designer.
What type of space, where would it be  and would it just be me or a shared space.
I think that I would most probably start out with a home based studio as not to spend to much money on my rent and more time on developing a solid foundation of clients and I think as most work will come in via On-line qoutes and client visits having a home studio wouldn't be a disadvantage.

Here's some photos of some interesting studio spaces.