Sunday, June 1, 2014

WIL Synthesis

This project was a great learning curve for me.It was the first project that I have ever done that didn't involve the rigours of Journaling everything I did and pleasing teachers. It was nice just to design, meet up with the Client and then design again. I approached this project like a job and now looking back I think this was the best Idea and committing one full day to the project a week seemed to be the right idea.
I never stuck to the 9 -5 routine and found most days that I would work until the University closed or until I got sleepy.
Some of my mistakes were probably not enough time researching the history and people that go to these types of events and I think I should have created my own personal mood board that I could go back to when stuck and also to keep remembering my design direction.
I was personally happy with my end product as I feel I created something that was completely different from what was made last year and I think it was suited to both genders and as a design it was quite attention grabbing.

Looking back at the project and the progress of working by myself I could certainly see myself working as a Freelance designer in the future…though I do think it would be quite hard to start out like this, without having some work experience in your pocket, but eventually I think this would come a nice lifestyle and a steady income.

Overall a fun and helpful project.