Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Leadership and Team Cactus

Great week in toe. Thursday class involved a brief leadership talk and quiz by the Conversant Company. It was interesting to see my quiz results that were ranked 1, Workability 2, Learning 3, Creativity 4, Relationships 5, Accountability.
The results didn't suprise me and only confirmed what I already thought. By coming from an athletic  background I have always been goal orientated and know the work and sacrifice needed to achieve those goals and that learning is an ever-ending circle that must be applied to all aspects of life otherwise you will just stop growing and ultimately dying.
I was happy with creativity sitting in the middle as I think that it shouldn't be the number one skill for one to have but something to compliment other areas if you want a professional team of designers because you can be the best designer in the world but if you don't know where you're going and not willing to learn anything then you will just remain where you are and never improve and grow.
Later in the week I had my very small launch of my new cycling brand 'Eddy Engels' and the team ' team cactus' at the Rapha Gentleman's race in Little River this was a non-sactioned race of 32 teams of 6 over 178km's and was part of Rapha's catalogue shoot and for their magazine.The ride was quite tough and during the ride I found myself as the strongest rider in my team with a lot of my team mates struggling to hold on, this made me think back to Thursdays class and what my quiz results said and this had me working on my 2 weak points of relationships and accountability. Through these lessons of self awareness I changed my riding style and rode to the weakest rider of the team and made myself accountable for the whole team which meant we all stayed together and finished together which would work on my 'relationship' issues and keep everyone feeling like they were part of a successful and united team which was achieved by all after 6 hours of pain.
Overall a good week in school and out.
a little tired but we all survived.
                                               looking quite eager before the start.

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